OpenLab2 - Open Source Digital Art |
28 Mar 2006
OpenLab2 is happening 16:00 - 24:00 this Sunday 02/04/06 at the Vibe Bar, Brick Lane, London :
"Sound and visual artists from the Open Source collaboration, OpenLab will take audiences through a stimulating journey through the sonic space.
The event builds on what is now an increasingly blurred line between artists and software developers. The broad expansion of the Internet and the democratization of computers have left audiences more than ever confronted with new, hybrid software conceived by a blend of artists and programmers.
As intellectual property is a fiercely debated issue, some people cling on to their little bits of territory, while others choose to share knowledge, art and collective work. This day will be a platform for OpenLabs digital artists, musicians and programmers, to present their collaborative works."
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