Grounded Circle - Incoherent |
21 Jan 2006 :: MP3
Polymorphic Music has something of a reputation for covering and supporting the more minimal end of the electronic sphere of music. True, but not exclusively so. The website aims to expose music of a varied and interesting nature and that’s why the Grounded Circle comes to you with a full recommendation.
‘Incoherent’ is a 3-track EP that is anything but. It wears its heart on its sleeve and is a full-bodied and engaging piece of work through and through.
The opening track, ‘Minimal Meaning’ is a friendly way to begin the proceedings and after an initially frenetic and percussive intro soon settles into the kind of rhythmic and melodic Electronica that labels such as Toytronic and Expanding have become extremely well respected for.
A chirpy, sine-wave based lead sound provides a fittingly lively, yet still melancholic melody that sits atop gently changing chords and a surprisingly funky beat that’s half break / half Electro-orientated.
Settling into a groove it flows and moves effortlessly throughout with a couple of more scrunched up breaks and drops to add some spice.
The second track, ‘When I’m With You’ initially adopts a different style with a scratchy guitar lick during the intro leading you to believe this could easily be a purely organic track. The electronics soon work their way into the mix with a gentle chord and a light and spacious piano-style melody. The rhythm is a far crunchier affair and has elements of the kind of DSP / processed beats of a Skam release but with a less deliberately awkward feel. Organ chords in the background give it a human touch and there are some earthy hisses and hums going on in there as well. It’s a subtle track that never becomes overpowering and manages to retain a nicely low-key feel.
The last track of the EP ‘You Will Never Be Alone’ is, perhaps, the strongest and for me is definitely a case of saving the best for last and although it’s the shortest track, I think it has the strongest personality.
A soothing combination of piano, organ and reversed synth and keyboard sounds. In fact, the main tone is reminiscent of Seefeel, although the rhythm is more overt and processed than that particular band.
I love the fact that Grounded Circle feel absolutely happy to insert moments of obscurity into their tracks and I love the fact that they never sound forced… there’s always a reason for putting it there even if it’s not 100% apparent on the first listen. The more time you give this EP the more you’ll find yourself going back to it and that’s one of the main reasons it’s on the Polymorphic site – its longevity is very appealing indeed.
:: 1. Grounded Circle - Minimal Meaning (part 2)
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